It can easily be assumed that Shenzhen is not a cultural hotspot on the spectrum of Chinese cities. Situated on the border between mainland China and the special administrative region of Hong Kong, it transcended its role as market town between the regions to city in READ MORE
Exhibitions That Moved Me: Paik Nam June (백남준)
We’ve probably all seen video art in one shape or another. I’m not going to lie, it often confuses me and can get a little too conceptual unless I really know what’s going on. It’s just not my favourite- give me a Bellini or Raphael painting any day and I will be much happier. My READ MORE
Exhibitions That Moved Me: Lee Jung Seob (이중섭)
To many, the Korean war seems like a distant snippet from a forgotten past on the other side of the world. For me, it was not until I visited South Korea that I really got a feel for it. I find the idea of a country broken in two by politics mind boggling, and the story of this READ MORE